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Solar Heating Fluid - ZM-ProSol LH-T - non toxic glycol -20L


  • Product Code: ST-GLYCOL PROSOL - 20L
  • Availability: 9

Solar Heating Fluid- Pre Mixed ProSol LH-T - 20 L (5 Gallon)

Special High Temp Solar Heating Fluid for Vacuum tube solar installations. Propylene Glycol 5 Gallons. Premixed reversibly vaporizable special Propylene Glycol-based Heat Transfer Fluid, for solar heating installations.

Modern-day Thermal Solar combo-systems for DHW and space heating are subject of overheating and stagnation because of low heat demand in summertime. Continuing design improvements of solar collectors sig­nificantly change the requirements to the heat transfer fluids regarding its ability to take thermal stress.

However, stagnation temperatures of up to 400ºF (204ºC) in flat plate collectors still can be handled by traditionally inhibited solar fluids. In contrast to this, vacuum tube collector temperatures of up to 550°F (287°C) as reached in vacuum tube collectors require the use of a more ad­vanced fluid containing reversibly vaporizable cor­rosion inhibitors.

Pre-Mixed Pro Sol L-HT propylene glycol/water mix 50%/50%, contains a specially designed industrial package of liquid inhibitors.

The Glycol Mix has been designed especially for use as a heat transfer fluid in solar thermal systems operating under elevated thermal conditions (vacuum tube collectors).

In case of stagnation those components evaporate together with propylene glycol and water, the collector remains empty, and no damaging insoluble residues that may cause any flow obstruction or blocking.

The corrosion inhibitors contained in ProSol L-HT reliably provide protection against acid corrosion, scale and sedimentation formation in systems with materials normally used in solar thermal installations.

Download Product Specification PDF


Physical Properties:


  Clear, fluorescent yellow colored liquid

Density 22°C (72°F)

  1055.40 kg/m³ (65.88  lb/ft³)

Refractive index 22°C (72°F)


pH value


Reserve Alkalinity (min)

  16.0 ml

Viscosity 10°C (50°F)

  10.6481mPas (10.65 cps)

Boiling point     °C @ 101 kPa 


(°F@ 760 mmHg)


Flash point 


Water content 

  46-50 %

Frost protection °C /°F

  -35 / -31