SunRain Flat Plate Solar Pool Collectors are ideal for solar pool heating in very cold climates. The flat plate solar collector is much more effective at lower outdoor temperatures and/or higher operating temperatures. This means flat plate solar pool collectors are ideal when heating you pool in colder climates especially Northern USA and Canada. They are also great for customers that want higher temperatures such as pool water in the high 90’s or hot tub temperatures such as 104 F.
HOW IT WORKS - The best description of how flat plate solar pool collectors work is to imagine a green house. A special Borosilicate glass covering the plate collector acts like the glass in a green house; it traps the heat in. Without it you could never grow plants in cold weather. So, in the flat plate solar heater, the glass is a thermos to which the heat energy stays inside the core collector. Another key advantage that a flat plate pool heater has is in windy conditions. The glass protects the heat from being stripped of. Wind is the perfect radiator so in windy condition a glazed pool heater can lose its heat energy faster than it can absorb it.
When looking at the performance of various solar collectors we need to determine the difference between the outdoor temperature and design pool water temperature. This is known as the temperature difference or “Delta T”. Flat Plate solar collectors perform well when the temperature difference is higher. This happens when the application requires higher pool temperatures including hot tub temperatures, or the outside temperature is relatively cold. Both create a larger Delta “T”.


SunRain Flat Plate Solar Pool Collectors are ideal for solar pool heating in very cold climates. The flat plate solar collector is much more effective at lower outdoor temperatures and/or higher operating temperatures. This means flat plate solar pool collectors are ideal when heating you pool in colder climates especially Northern USA and Canada. They are also great for customers that want higher temperatures such as pool water in the high 90’s or hot tub temperatures such as 104 F.
HOW IT WORKS - The best description of how flat plate solar pool collectors work is to imagine a green house. A special Borosilicate glass covering the plate collector acts like the glass in a green house; it traps the heat in. Without it you could never grow plants in cold weather. So, in the flat plate solar heater, the glass is a thermos to which the heat energy stays inside the core collector. Another key advantage that a flat plate pool heater has is in windy conditions. The glass protects the heat from being stripped of. Wind is the perfect radiator so in windy condition a glazed pool heater can lose its heat energy faster than it can absorb it.
When looking at the performance of various solar collectors we need to determine the difference between the outdoor temperature and design pool water temperature. This is known as the temperature difference or “Delta T”. Flat Plate solar collectors perform well when the temperature difference is higher. This happens when the application requires higher pool temperatures including hot tub temperatures, or the outside temperature is relatively cold. Both create a larger Delta “T”.

Cost Difference
Flat plate solar collectors are more expensive that unglazed solar pool collector, their glass design and use of coper and aluminum inside results in higher production cost. A typical pool owner would choose the Thermax Extreme over the Thermax unglazed when they want to heat well into the shoulder seasons or winter. They will also be very effective in locations that experience consistent high winds.
Solar pool systems that use flat plates are designed independent of the existing main pool circulation loop. A pool heat exchanger is used inline of the pool system where the solar transfers the heat. This type of system in called a closed loop. It use a very small circulation pump that is highly energy efficient and avoids putting a heavy load on the main pool pump, that could cause early pool pump failure. It also separates the chlorinated pool water completely from the solar pool heater. This means there are no harsh pool chemicals that can result in premature deterioration of the solar heater.
Pre-packaged DIY Solar Pool Heating Systems

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