Pre Heat Solar Tank System
This type of solar water heating uses two tanks. The 1st tank is called a solar pre-heat tank and is a basic solar hot water storage tank with an internal heat exchanger to heat the domestic hot water. The solar pre-heat tank is used to supplement warm water to an existing hot water tank. This type of solar hot water heater is the most common retrofit as it uses the existing hot water tank and needs very little retrofit to the plumbing. The existing main supply line is routed to the pre-heat tank and then drawn back into the supply line after it is heated.
Solar with TankLess
Water Heaters
The principle is identical; the water is pre-heated through the solar storage tank before it enters the tank-less heater. As an example, main line water that is coming into the home at 40 degrees can be heated in a pre heat tank to say 120, if the tank-less heater is set to 140 degrees, it only has to supply 20 degrees of heat energy versus 100 degrees without the pre heat tank. That is significant heat savings!
Solar Combo Tank System
These special designed solar hot water heaters are a combination of a solar pre-heat tank with an electric back up heater in one single unit. This tank uses an internal heat exchange in the bottom of the tank. The solar loop is piped through this loop and heats the water. The middle of the tank contains an electric heater element to quickly top up the water temperature or aide in days of no sun. This is an ideal tank for those that don’t have the space for two tanks.