Northern Lights Solar Solutions is a world leader for supplying pre-engineered solar pool heating packages. In the past solar pool installers simply looked for various component suppliers to piece together a solar pool heating system. The problem with this piece meal approach is that there is very little control in the end performance, and proper sizing of the components required a skilled solar installer to do the job properly. With Pre-Engineered solar pool heating packages, there is no guess work, the performance and reliability can be guaranteed, and the systems can be installed in ½ the time.
Northern Lights Solar Solutions is unique in that it offers complete pool heating packages that have been both pre-engineered and pre sized for the application. This business model has many advantages:
Quick to Install: All parts are included in the package, no running to the hardware store or waiting for more parts to arrive.
Designed and Sized for Maximum performance & reliability using customized simulation software.
Safety: Our Pre-Engineered systems are designed with safety in mind. Solar can create very high temperatures that result in high pressure. A properly sized package is built to handle the temperature and pressure dangers.
Cost Effective: These solar heating packages are competitively prices, and the installation cost is approx. 1/2 of a traditional solar heating system.
All our solar pool heating designs have been designed using the most advanced solar simulation software “Polysun” mase by Swedish Engineer Company, Vela Solaris. Each of our solar pool heating packages are engineered in a virtual environment allowing us to provide customers with result driven simulation that are accurate to 5%. This means you can provide both accurate ROI’s as well as performance guarantees. This service is provided FREE OF CHARGE to all our customers.
Our Solar Pool Heating Packages come with detailed instructions make it easy for any DIY to install without any prior knowledge of solar pool heating experience.
We use only the most proven and reliable components in our pre-packaged system including German made RESOL controllers & pump stations with advanced features such as remote access capabilities through Internet or smart phones as well as complete Pentair solar pool controller packages with electronic actuator valves. All our electrical equipment is UL listed. Our pool heat exchangers are made of high-quality stainless steel with optional titanium construction for saltwater pools.